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Stories from Norway

Eat the best. Be the best.

Our new seafood ambassador, football superstar Erling Haaland from Norway, has dedicated his life to staying healthy so that he can perform at the highest level.

Eat the best. Be the best.

Seafood has always been part of his diet

Haaland is known for his healthy diet and a holistic understanding of the value of nutritious food. Focusing on food that helps ensure his body is in perfect condition, Erling Haaland tries to eat as much natural food as possible.

“Seafood has been a part of my upbringing and my diet growing up. Seafood from Norway, the world’s best, still has a natural place in my life.”
Erling Braut Haaland

Why Norwegian seafood is healthy for you - and your loved ones

Athletes like Erling Haaland need the right fuel to achieve their full potential. To perform at a high level requires more than hard, continuous training. Nutrition is essential for the body to achieve maximum performance and fast recovery, and for avoiding injuries.

Good source of Omega-3 and vitamin D

The importance of healthy food does not only apply to sports heroes. Seafood on your dinner plate or as a topping on a slice of bread is a healthy and nutritious food that offers several health benefits. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are full of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D. Cod contains a lot of iodine, which is often difficult to get from other foods. 

The most important thing for a healthy diet is variety and balance, in addition to taste. After all, it's easier to find a healthy diet with foods you love.

Seafood from Norway is world-class seafood

Our long history as a seafood nation stems back to the Viking era with fishing, catching and export of seafood. Despite being a small country in the north with only 5.5 million people, Norway is the world’s largest exporter of seafood. Norway’s natural resources are the reason for our long-lasting traditions and practices within the seafood industry.  
Today, we continue connecting past to present. We are caretakers of historical knowledge and care for our cold, clear sea, providing food and healthy proteins to the world’s population. 

The secret of our seafood

Norway has one of the world’s longest coastlines. Our location in the far north offers cold, clear waters and optimal conditions for fish, shellfish and other seafood species. Seafood thrives in cold water filled with nutrients, which is part of the secret behind our claim to have the world’s best seafood.